Ellie Row, Computer Animation Arts, UCA Rochester
Yes - she's appealing - maybe you could look at some fashion images - I'm thinking short 1970s hair cuts - sexy and a bit disco - look at the hairlines etc - you're sort of getting this look anyway - but maybe look at 'disco-ing' it up a bit :)http://lh5.ggpht.com/_asusYZpyZdU/SwrhN0BrkiI/AAAAAAAAAD0/afM8cElqvLc/s800/twiggy.jpghttp://stylebyportobello.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/vintage-short-hairstyles-aliza-minelli.jpg
Yes - she's appealing - maybe you could look at some fashion images - I'm thinking short 1970s hair cuts - sexy and a bit disco - look at the hairlines etc - you're sort of getting this look anyway - but maybe look at 'disco-ing' it up a bit :)